Pulling Mayu out, Mio then holds her eyes while shaking her head. She ignores his warning and looks down to see a large mass of souls swarming its depths. While the two are dangling over the Hellish Abyss, Mio recalls Itsuki telling her to not look down there. As two stagger backwards into the Hellish Abyss from the aftershock, Mio drops the camera and runs to her sister and grabs her hand while Sae falls into the dark depths screaming. Acting quickly, Mio defends herself with the Camera Obscura, separating Sae from Mayu. Instead of Mayu pushing for the completion of the ritual, Sae posses Mayu and tries to attack Mio. With the Kusabi defeated, Mio finds Mayu at the Hellish Abyss. Project Zero 2- Wii Edition - Hellish Abyss Ending Requirement to get this ending: Defeat the Kusabi in the Final Chapter in over a minute without having seen the scenes in Chapter 8. As the scene fades to black Mayu whispers, "Didn't we always promise each other? Together. Some time Later, Mio sits alone on a bench overlooking what was Minakami Village now flooded by water from the dam, now sporting the same bruise on her neck that she gave to her sister. With the success of the ritual, The Repentance is over.

Mio, shaking her head in disbelief, runs to the edge of the Hellish Abyss only to see the Crimson Butterfly fluttering away, telling her "Thank you." Mio chases the butterfly crying and apologizing for her actions but stops once she gets to Misono Hill when a swarm of Crimson Butterflies take off to the sky. As the Veiled Priests cheer, Mourners come in and toss Mayu's body into the Hellish Abyss. Once Mayu is dead, Mio backs away as a Crimson Butterfly peels itself from the bruise on Mayu's neck. The Veiled Priests begin to tap their staves in rhythm getting faster and faster as Mio suffocates her sister. Mayu then lays back on the stone alter as Mio wraps her hands around her neck. Mayu tells her sister that even though they were born together, she knew they would eventually separate and that completing the ritual they can become one. All endings, including the opening cutscenes are fully CG Animated.Īfter defeating the Kusabi, Mio continues down to the Hellish Abyss to find Mayu and the Veiled Priests waiting for them.
#Shinku no chou save file ps2
2 Differences from original PS2 and Xbox Versionsĭeep Crimson Butterfly contains 6 endings, 2 of them are new.1.3 Ending 3 - Long Road Home/Lingering Scent.Data keuangan yang akan diolah dalam program meliputi: Data rekening (pos) keuangan sekolah, Data pemasukan dan pengeluaran sekolah, Data jurnal dan kas masuk dan keluar, Laporan kas masuk (pemasukan) dan kas keluar (pengeluaran), Menu pembuatan RAPB Sekolah, Laporan keuanga n (neraca) sekolah ( penyesuaian RAPBS dan implementasi RAPBS).

#Shinku no chou save file software
Software ini di desain dengan cara yang memudahkan pengguna sehingga pengguna tidak butuh waktu terlalu lama untuk mempelajari software ini dengan baik. Aplikasi keuangan sekolah ini akan mencatat secara rinci semua proses keuangan dan pendapatan sekolah sehingga sekolah bisa menerapkan tata kelola sekolah yang baik dan akuntabel. Dan setelah semua transaksi dimasukkan, anda dapat mengecek implementasi RAPBS dilapangan berdasarkan data pemasukan dan pengeluaran yang anda masukkan. Selain itu, AKS ini juga berfungsi untuk mencatat semua data pemasukan dan pengeluaran sekolah. AKS ini sangat berguna dalam pembuatan Rancangan Anggaran Belanja dan Pendapatan Sekolah (RAPBS). Aplikasi Keuangan Sekolah (AKS) adalah Program Aplikasi Keuangan yang disediakan khusus untuk digunakan untuk sekolah.